
Spinetic Felt Bar Pouch

$2.50 USD

We’ve been working on this for a while now and they finally arrived! The current stock, however, has 1 slight issue. This being the thickness. This is a new supplier we are working with and had some issues communicating with them. They are supposed to be twice as thick thus adding some more protection. This doesn’t mean they are not useful though! The quality on them is exactly what we were hoping for. The clasp is secure, stitching tight, and fabric quality is perfect. Unfortunately the minimum order on these was high and we want to get a batch started of the thicker pouch asap. So these are at a very discounted price compared to the finalized pouch.

*Felt Fabric

Pouch Size:
*40mmx 75mm
(We have tested bar spinners at 60mm x 30mm with no issues)

In stock

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