$16.50 USD
Spinetic has reinvested back into bringing you some of the highest quality bearings for spinners. Here we have our Full Ceramic series, or C Class, of bearings. Currently we offer 1 variant: the SPES (Si3N4 , PEEK cage). We will be adding more variations and specifications of each as time goes on.
Spinetic Class Series have automatic bundling! You will receive discounts if you purchase any Class Series bearings in packs of 3,5, and 10. You can mix and match these as well!
C Class – SPE
- 10 Si3N4 Black Ceramic Balls
- PEEK Retainer/Cage
- Si3N4 Inner and Outer Races
- Spin Time – 3/5
- Loudness – 4/5
- Feedback – 5/5
- Smoothness – 3/5
SKU: N/A Category: Bearings
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